
New York Real Estate Lawyers Blog


Legal Debate Over Fair Housing Settlement in Westchester County Continues

As a previous blog post has discussed, Westchester County settled a lawsuit brought in 2009 which alleged that the county falsely certified that it had complied with federal fair housing requirements when it accepted community development funds. This lawsuit was settled under a consent order under which Westchester County agreed…


A New York Bidder’s Expectations Concerning the Property Auction Process

Those who bid at property auctions in New York are confronted with many potential issues. Auction properties are often attactive to first-time homeowners and to investors because they are perceived as being less expensive than comparable properties. If the property is residential, the bidding process differs based upon whether the…


Fair Housing in Westchester County, New York

A recent article in the Journal News discusses the latest developments in the Westchester County, New York fair housing settlement. For those who are unfamiliar with the situation, a lawsuit was brought by a public interest group against Westchester County, alleging housing discrimination. In order to settle the lawsuit, then-County…


Mortgage Disclosure Regulations Promulgated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Our readers should be aware that the financial crisis has spawned at least one new government agency. In this post, we address the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”), whose central mission is “to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans– whether they are applying for a…

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