
New York Real Estate Lawyers Blog


Partition Actions for Cooperative Apartments

Last week’s blog post discussed legal issues relating to a foreclosure as it applies to cooperative apartments in New York State.  To summarize, because cooperatives are considered shares in a corporation, and not real property, different legal procedures are necessary when an owner of a co-op defaults on her share loan…


Foreclosure and Evictions in New York Cooperatives

Many of our prior blog posts have discussed foreclosures of real property.  But what happens when the owner of a cooperative or “co-op” apartment cannot pay his share loan or maintenance?  Although the term “foreclosure” generally applies to the taking of real property by a lienholder, a co-op owner does not…


Mortgage Foreclosures – Bank or Private Loan?

Our firm is called upon to both defend and prosecute mortgage foreclosure actions.  One of the first questions that should to be asked is who holds the mortgage loan, meaning the party who is entitled to bring the action.  In most cases, it is an “institutional lender,” such as a bank…


Repair Issues: What Will Sellers Typically Address?

Now that many of our clients are participating in the Spring housing market , repair issues have developed in several transactions handled by our attorneys .  This post will address the manner in which such issues should be addressed in a contract. Most buyers will have a professional engineer inspect the premises prior…


How Low Can You Go?

Some of our clients have recently inquired as to whether their cooperative board may have been declined their proposed sale because the proposed purchase price is too low.  As we have indicated in previous posts , cooperative boards can decline a purchase for any or no reason so long as such reason does not…


Starting a Foreclosure Action in New York

Our firm is often retained to defend property owners whose home is in foreclosure.  Most often, the entity bringing the foreclosure proceeding is a major lending institution, such as a national bank or credit union.  However, there are two sides to every story.  Some of our clients are individuals who have…

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