
New York Real Estate Lawyers Blog


Foreclosure Defense – Playing the Numbers Game

When our firm is retained by a new client whose property is in danger of being foreclosed, one of the first issues that needs to be determined relates to the equity in the property.  Equity can be defined as the net value of the property, once all liabilities are calculated. …


Foreclosure Protections in New York – When do They Apply?

As long-time readers of this blog may be aware, New York State has significant protections in place for defendants in foreclosure actions.  These legal requirements are meant to ensure that a homeowner is allowed an opportunity to defend his case, or at least be aware of a pending and existing…


Eviction Action or Ejectment Action?

Our firm is involved in many situations in which one party seeks to remove another party from property, such as a house, cooperative, or condominium unit.  However, the situation underlying the attempted removal will often determine the correct legal method for effectuating said removal. The two main legal remedies are…

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