
New York Real Estate Lawyers Blog


Eviction Action or Ejectment Action?

Our firm is involved in many situations in which one party seeks to remove another party from property, such as a house, cooperative, or condominium unit.  However, the situation underlying the attempted removal will often determine the correct legal method for effectuating said removal. The two main legal remedies are…


Legal Issues Raised by the Death of Pete Rose

Baseball fans learned of the recent passing of Pete Rose a/k/a “Charlie Hustle.”  Rose was most closely identified by his championship playing days for the “Big Red Machine” Cincinnati Reds.  He was a divisive figure in that he was known as the Hit King for having the most hits of…


Legal Issues Relating to the Sale of Inherited Property

Our firm has often been consulted by clients who inherited a house from their parents, and wish to sell the property, as they may have moved out-of-state, and the property became vacant after the passing of the last parent. Usually, this is a straightforward transaction, which often requires legal assistance…


Considerations When Making a Will as to Potential Property Sharing by Heirs

Clients consulting our firm with respect to will drafting often ask how to leave a house or cooperative apartment to potential heirs when there may be more than one surviving child.  Perhaps a person owns a house and wants to leave it to all three of her children in her…


When is a Lease Renewal Not a Lease Renewal?

Our firm often receives inquires regarding renewals of residential leases.  As prior blog posts have discussed, in general, a tenant in New York has no legal right to an automatic renewal lease, unless the rental unit is subject to some type of rent regulation.  Another exception may be where the…

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